About the In-Person Training Requirement


Postdoctoral researchers paid in whole or in part from covered NSF projects must complete at least 4 hours of discussion-based RCR instruction.


Applicable NIH-funded postdocs must complete at least 8 hours of discussion-based RCR instruction.

Timeline for Training Completion

The in-person training must be completed within the first year of the appointment to the project or before the applicable postdoc leaves the Institute even if that imposes a shorter deadline.

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Training Requirement Criteria

At the discretion of the PI or School, applicable postdoctoral researchers shall fulfill the in-person RCR compliance training requirement by either:


Compliance Training Matrix

Arrow icon View Compliance Training Matrix


PHIL 6000

Postdoctoral researchers who have been encouraged by their PI/employer to attend PHIL 6000 must contact the RCR Program through the RCR Contact Request form to sign up for a section of the course.